Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Why Oral Cancer Screenings should be your Top Priority

Kingston TN

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, which is why we want to focus today’s blog on the importance of oral cancer screenings. Oral cancer is rarely talked about, compared to other types of cancer, but that doesn’t make it less important. A common assumption is that tobacco products are the only cause of oral cancer. However, that assumption is false as there are other causes of oral cancer. Also known as Oropharyngeal cancer, anyone of any age can develop oral cancer. Today on the blog, find out why oral cancer screenings should be your top priority because there are other causes of oral cancer.

How serious is oral cancer?

Oral cancer is serious and kills one person every hour of everyday. Each year, there are nearly 51,000 new oral cancer cases each year. According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, only 57 percent of newly diagnosed patients will survive more than five years after their diagnosis, which means early detection is crucial to your survival. Unfortunately, many oral cancer cases are not discovered until later stages, when treatment is less successful and survival rates are lower. However, oral cancer screenings mean early detection and better survival rates for the long-term.

What are the symptoms of oral cancer?

Symptoms and early warning signs can be difficult to identify initially because, like many other types of cancer, you may assume that the abnormality will go away since it doesn’t hurt. But some things to look out for are sores or ulcers that do not heal, discoloration of your oral soft tissue, bleeding easily inside the mouth, lumps or bumps anywhere in the mouth or neck region. Also, unexplained weight loss should always be a concern that you raise with your doctor. If you have trouble moving your tongue, swallowing, or pain while chewing, mention these issues to the dentist as well. However, some of these symptoms may not appear until much later after the cancer progresses past the point that it is treatable. Instead, rely on oral cancer screenings once a year so that if detected, you can seek treatment as soon as possible during the early stage of cancer.

What to expect with an oral cancer screening

Oral cancer screenings should be done at least once a year at your dental checkup (which is why you shouldn’t forgo going to the dentist). The oral cancer screening involves gentle palpitations of your tongue and the inside of your mouth, as well as under your jawbone and around your neck to detect unusual sores or lumps. The dentist may order a biopsy of any suspicious areas. A biopsy removes a tiny portion of tissue and is tested for cancer cells. If the biopsy is positive for cancer cells, your dentist will discuss treatment options with you. Oral cancer treatment varies, depending on the precise location of the cancer, as well as the cancer stage.

Oral cancer screenings in Kingston, Tennessee

Oral cancer screenings are easy and painless and could save your life. These screenings should take place at your usual six-month check-up, which is why you shouldn’t skip going to the dentist or only go when you feel pain. To learn more about oral cancer screenings or schedule yours today, contact LakeView Dental Arts by calling (865) 248-2199.

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